Breast Cancer and Beta Glucan Testimonial

This testimonial was provided by a Florida-based medical doctor based on her own experiences with breast cancer & the effects of chemotherapy.

beta glucan I am a medical doctor currently living in Florida and have been practicing since 1997. I am also a former Air Force officer and separated after 14 years of service as a Major. My life was all consuming as a military officer and in the practice of medicine… until May 2012 when I felt a lump in my left breast. I subsequently was diagnosed with a highly aggressive, triple hormone positive, poorly differentiated breast cancer that spread to the lymph nodes. My whole life changed in a single instance as I switched from being a doctor who diagnosed and treated cancer to a patient having to fight for my own life.

I did the “standard of care” treatment for this type of breast cancer. This entailed a partial mastectomy, lymph node dissection, 3 different intravenous chemotherapy agents weekly for six months, 8 weeks of daily radiation and then another six months of chemotherapy. It was over a year of treatment for breast cancer.

I soon realized the value of the immune system because It was clear that my own immune system failed by allowing cancer to grow in my body. I also learned how chemotherapy and radiation weakens your immune system in order to kill the cancer. I couldn’t depend on my immune system during the year of treatment to protect me from bacteria and pesticides on raw fruits and vegetables therefore I was restricted from eating these. I also was not allowed to be with my pets because of the possible pathogens they could pass on to me. In addition I had to take extremely good care of my feet and nails to avoid any cuts or scrapes that my body would not be able to heal due to a low white blood cell count. I gargled and cleansed my teeth 5 times a day with a baking powder and salt mixture to keep the bacteria in my own mouth from causing infection that a compromised immune system would have trouble fighting. These lifestyle changes were all by the direction of my Oncologist who knew my immune system would be weakened by the treatments. The importance of my immune system was emphasized because I was vulnerable to pathogens, toxins, bacteria, yeast, viruses, etc., that before cancer and chemotherapy I had taken for granted.

After completing treatment last year, I have had to deal with the resulting side effects. I experienced muscle spasms throughout my body along with severe neuropathy in my hands and feet that became so painful that I experienced difficulty walking to my mail box or even squeezing toothpaste out of a toothpaste tube.  After all of the treatments to kill this cancer, I was left to recover from extreme fatigue leaving me mostly bed bound, with severe peripheral neuropathy where I could hardly function normally along with extensive body pain. I felt desperate to try to find a way to heal my body in my recovery. I searched both alternative medicine and traditional medicine to help me recover. As I wasn’t getting stronger and suffering more and more, the doctor would increase and add more medications for me to try. I tried everything, be it conventional medicine, alternative medicine, holistic medicine, yoga, acupuncture, etc., etc., etc.— but nothing helped  my symptoms, until 4 months ago, when I was invited by a person I had just met to go and listen to someone talk about highly purified Beta Glucan in a blend with Resveratrol and Vitamin C.

Because I am a physician who had never heard of Beta Glucan, plus all of the testimonials that I read seemed too good to be true, I was very skeptical and thought that it was more than likely just like the many other treatments and alternatives that so many of my friends, family and doctors wanted me to try. I quickly Googled highly purified Beta Glucan during the discussion and saw it on WebMD and Pubmed and since I use these sites, I was curious of the potential benefits. At the same time, I was so weak and physically depleted; I knew that it would be worth giving this highly purified Beta Glucan, Resveratrol and Vitamin C blend a try. Within 2 days I felt the difference in my pain, energy and ability to function. Within one week, I was able to start organizing my office, clean out my pantry, refold and put away clothes in my drawers, and take everything out of the refrigerator and freezer and organize that too. I lived alone and pretty much my home looked like a hurricane had gone through it.

I had more energy, I felt less pain and the quality of my life improved dramatically.  I received the energy needed to help me with my current recovery. Now I volunteer, have traveled from east coast to west coast and back, have hiked the grand canyon, walked 3 miles in my neighborhood, go to yoga for stretching weekly and started an exercise routine (this was within 2 months of starting Beta Glucan). My friends and even my doctors noticed that I am a healthier and happier person. Not only am I cancer free, I have a better quality of life. I hope that others don’t experience cancer or be pushed to desperation like I was to discover an amazing supplement like Beta Glucan. It has helped me tremendously. Thank you for these amazing supplements!

Dr. J. / FL

Get the book on beta glucan here.

Order the same beta glucan product Dr. J used here.

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